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Helpful PDF Documents Relating to Down syndrome

EDUCATOR PACKAGE - A Guide to Inclusive Education for Students with Down syndrome:  Download PDF   (Actual book for purchase - see below)

Courtesy of the Canadian Down syndrome Society (High Resolution PDF available from CDSS site)



Courtesy of the Canadian Down syndrome Society


EDUCATOR PACKAGES - The actual book (not PDF) 
COST:  Non Members - $6.00 minimum donation |  Current DDSA Members - $ FREE

The new school year has begun!  The Canadian Down Syndrome Society (CDSS) has created an Educator Package which features information on inclusive education, tips on how to best support students with Down syndrome and real life stories of inclusion.  It is a resource you will want if you have school aged children.

The DDSA has donated $4,000.00 to the CDSS to print and support it's current membership with these books.  As a thank you, the CDSS has added the DDSA Logo to the front of the book. 


The DDSA now has these guides available for its membership to be picked up from some of the current Board Directors on Sunday, September 22 from 6-8pm.  After that date, these books are orderable from this page.


If you would like one of these guides, please visit the NEWS & EVENTS page for details on how you can pick up your copy (22nd September).  After 22nd September, current members may order their guide here.

For Non-Members ordering:  Shipping cost is not included but will be applied at checkout.  For Donations of $20.00 or $50.00; shipping is Free.













Note:  If you wish to become a member ONLINE (to receive the book) or make a larger donation, please visit the Memberships & Donations page.  In that purchase, You will have to complete the "NOTE to SELLER", requesting an Educators Package Book.


Questions?  Please contact the DDSA by email:




Links to Other Resources



Canadian Down Syndrome Society  -



Down Syndrome Association of Ontario -



National Down Syndrome Society -

Myths and Truths about Down Syndrome



Spread the Word to End the Word -





© 2013 by Durham Down syndrome Association.  All rights reserved.

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